
Project time - we took advantage of what we had around us

We made a project out of Lexi's Nature book - wild flower

paperweights :-)

The Mason Homestead
Lexi had no prpblem leaving the door open when using the outhouse - she was a little "free spirited" in the "neighbor- free" zone!


There were so many other animals to see around Aunt Ellie & Uncle Jeff's!

Lexi was so happy to finally meet the Dogs - Mancha, Nellie & Tecate. Mancha showed her some tricks (Lexi had to "speak" in Spanish).
The Goats - Cheeva (sp?) and Callie

Then to see the Honey Bees! Uncle Jeff won't even vist those guys! They were working really hard - you can see the Honey comb, yum!

We went for a boat ride but didn't go too far - the motor just returned from repair & Jeff was afraid to try it out :-)

Damsel Flies

Here Ducky, Ducky - Lexi tried to bait the duck so she could catch in in the fishing net (Poppa would be proud!).

Let's see what's out there.....

Lexi saw her first Moose - she was taking a little swim...

One animal we weren't so sad not to see... a BEAR - not much need for BEARspray in Wisconsin!

Which came first? The chicken, the egg or the Crazy Chicken Kid? Lexi spent a lot of time in the chicken coop - good thing she wasn't pouting (right Dad?)!! ;-)

She may have made some Chicken friends but had no problems having the "others" for breakfast :-)

Beware - Chicken Scratch Fever is real!!

We finally made it made it to Aunt Ellie and Uncle Jeff's - gotta love the green outhouse w/white polka dots! We even brought a post card from WI (w/Cows on it ofcourse) to add to the decor - reading material is a must!

Good thing I had my "Off" on when we stopped at the Knotty Pine for Ice cream!

Next it was off to strike it rich!
Ellie was an old pro! After all that hard work, we ended up with about $16.43 worth of gold - paid $12.00 for a "locket" to put it in!


We stop to see the Pipeline and where does Lexi go?? Straight to the rocks - good thing she had extra room in her suitcase cause she came home w/a whole bunch!

Can never get enough of that Baby!

Sat. we stopped at the Tanana Valley Farmer's market - great Lemonade and Kettle corn!

Day 2 - after a good dinner, skipping some stones at the river, some QT w/Ellie & Wyatt...Lexi was already in the "can I have that, can I have this" mode. Wasn't too happy when she was told "no" (I'm sure Gammy Pam will say this looks just like some one else she knows ;-)

Julie had treats for everyone - can you guess what?

We stopped @ Ellie's friend Juile's cabin - Only in Alaska do you have Moose tracks in the flower boxes!

Wyatt's new trick -sitting up! Glad we were there to see it! Lex wasn't so sure about the whole baby thing but she warmed up to him really quick and it was fun to see the 2 of them together.

Oh yeah, I know you! :-)

Who the heck are you?

We made it to Fairbanks!

You can make a "fort" anywhere - hope the flight attendant doesn't see that I don't have my seat belt on!

Here we go! Just waiting to get on the plane..


Yikes! I've finally done it, created a "blog"! Now to get the pictures added! Will have plenty to share!